Why you should buy from Aliexpress through Shipmentify?


We help customers buy, consolidate, and ship from Aliexpress. Here is why using our services is a better option than buying directly from Aliexpress:

1- We will consolidate your orders: You can combine all your items from different sellers in one package to save on shipping cost. The 1st kilogram is usually the most expensive for most countries. So, the larger the package the better saving for you.

2- We generally inspect your items to make sure they are not broken etc.

3- We’ll help you save money on shipping with our low rates and efficient packing.  We help reduce the size of boxes and packages. You decide which courier will ship your parcel and just pay us for the shipping.

4. We support various payment methods for international customers like Paypal, Bank Cards, Western Union, Bank-to-Bank Transfer, Alipay, Bitcoins, and more

5. It is easy to contact us via Email or Whatsapp. Our live chat is available 24/7.

6. We can ship inside China.

7. We help you to get trusted sellers to avoid fraud.

8- If we received items not the same as the item shown on the website, we take a photo of it and ask customer to confirm if he agree to take the item or want to be refunded from seller.

Try our service and register now on our website.
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